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WIX SEO Course

WIX SEO Course

The course is short and focused: The course lasts only 7 sessions, twice a week, for 45 minutes each. This way you can learn everything you need to know in a short time and without a big commitment.

The course is practical: In the course you will receive theoretical knowledge alongside a lot of practical exercises. You will learn how to promote a website during the course and receive personal feedback from the teacher.

The course is accessible: The course is offered at an attractive price of $510, making it accessible to everyone.

The course is taught by an experienced teacher: The course is taught by an experienced and professional teacher in the field of Wix website promotion.

The course is held on Zoom: So you can learn from anywhere and anytime.

Start date of the next course: 06/03/2024

Syllabus for the "Be First" course

Lesson 1
SEO Fundamentals
  • What is Search Engine Optimization?

  • Importance of SEO for Businesses

  • Types of SEO: Organic and Paid

  • Basic SEO Concepts: Keywords, Quality content, Backlinks, UX

Lesson 5
Paid promotion tools
  • Google Ads

  • Facebook Ads

  • LinkedIn Ads

  • Banner Advertising

Lesson 2
Proper website construction
  • Keyword-focused content writing

  • Title and description optimization

  • Proper use of HTML tags

  • Creating an accessible and SEO-friendly website structure

Lesson 6
Social media promotion
  • Creating a social media promotion strategy

  • Building a community around your brand

  • Sharing high-quality and engaging content

  • Using different social media platforms effectively

Lesson 3
Wix tools for organic website promotion
  • Wix SEO Wizard

  • Wix Site Booster

  • Wix Analytics

  • Wix App Market: Website Promotion Apps

Lesson 7
Google My Business, Google and Meta Ads
  • Creating a Google Business Profile

  • Optimizing the Business Profile for Search Engines

  • Running Paid Ads on the Business Profile

  • Using Meta (formerly Facebook Pixel) to Track Conversions

Lesson 4
Google Analytics and Google Search Console
  • Website Data Tracking: Traffic, User Behavior, Traffic Sources

  • Identifying Website Issues and Making Improvements

  • Optimize website content and structure

For Details and Registration

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Who Should Attend:

This course is suitable for people who:

  • Have an active Wix website

  • Want to learn the basics of SEO

  • Want to improve their website's ranking in Google

  • Want to attract more organic traffic to their website

  • Want to increase their sales through their website


  • No prior SEO knowledge is required

  • It is recommended that you have an active Wix website

  • Willingness to learn and invest time and effort in promoting your website

"Be First" course
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